9 min read 0 Technical Papers Paper Notes: Spark – Cluster Computing with Working Sets varunu28 July 17, 2023 In one of the previous posts, we looked into how MapReduce is used to perform large scale computations on large-scale…
10 min read 3 Technical Papers Paper Notes: Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB varunu28 July 14, 2023 NoSQL databases come up with lot of good things such as high-availability, high-scalability and cloud-scale performance. But providing transaction support…
8 min read 1 Technical Papers Paper Notes: MapReduce – Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters varunu28 July 11, 2023 MapReduce is another paradigm-shift similar to Google file system in the domain of distributed computing. It is a programming model…
14 min read 0 Technical Papers Paper Notes: The Google File System varunu28 July 5, 2023 Google file system(GFS) is a foundational paper in the domain of distributed storage. Built at Google, GFS is a scalable…